57. Elizabeth Errickson SPENCER (143) (144) was born on 19 Jan 1861 in Cincinnati, OH. (145)(146) She died on 11 Mar 1908 in Colorado Springs, CO.(147) (148) She was named after Elizabeth (Bradley) Errickson, her mother's older (19 yrs.) sister (no known proof, but probable).

She was married to Robert Butler KERSEY (son of Dr. Vierling KERSEY and Mary Emily BUTLER) on 5 Oct 1892. (149) Robert Butler KERSEY(102) was born on 7 Jan 1861 or 8 Jan 1861.(150) He died on 26 Dec 1945. Elizabeth Errickson SPENCER and Robert Butler KERSEY had the following children:

child74 i. Emily KERSEY(151) (152) was born on 15 Aug 1893. She died in 1967 in Muncie, Delaware Co., IN.(153) She Never Married.
child75 ii. Christina KERSEY(102) (154) was born on 10 Aug 1895. She died on 24 Dec 1951. She Never Married.
child+76 iii. P110
child77 iv. Virginia Erickson KERSEY(102) was born on 15 Jul 1903. She died on 11 Feb 1935.

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